Reviews and Essays

Book Tag: 90s Movie Tag

Hi all – I haven’t been directly tagged on this, but Sara @ The Bibliophagist left an open invitation for it and thought I’d give it a whirl 🙂

I’m an ’88 baby so, naturally,  most of the stuff I love is from the 90s.

She’s All That

Name a book that has an odd pairing but they still fit perfectly

Omens cover

Omens (The Cainsville Series)

Olivia and Ricki – but I think this is mostly because neither of them feel like real people. Regardless, the “slightly older, educated rich girl” and the “slightly younger, college student / heir to a biker gang” feels hyperbolic.

10 Things I Hate About You

Name a book/series that you have a love/hate relationship with

Lunar Chronicles

The Lunar Chronicles

I’m a sucker for fairytale re-imaginings and this one is so much fun, but it’s super frustrating that it doesn’t do much to subvert fairytale tropes and is still all about princesses getting their princes.


Name a character that is totally clueless but you love them anyway

Let the Right One In

Let the Right One In

Oskar – his innocence and ignorance make him so awkward and vulnerable, but he’s also so passionate and open to new experiences. I love him. For the record, I also loved him in the film adaptation, and in the US film adaptation, Let Me In.


Name a book that made you cry

The Handmaid's Tale cover

The Handmaid’s Tale

The story is terrifying and heart-wrenching, all at once. The TV show gets me too.

American Pie

Name a book that makes you laugh

god is an atheist cover

God is an Atheist

I don’t read a lot of comedy, and I must admit – I don’t remember much of this one. But I do remember laughing quite a bit with the protagonist’s strange and dark sense of humour.

Can’t Hardly Wait

Name a book with a crazy party

the great gatsby cover

The Great Gatsby

Hands down.

Cruel Intentions

Name a character that you can never fully trust

Dawn book cover


Nikanj – It seems to have good intentions; but, as a whole, I wasn’t sure how to feel about the motives of the Oankali, an alien race. I felt uneasy about Nikanj throughout most of the book.

*FYI – I’m referring to Nikanj as an It because the character is “third gender” and “sexless” in the book. I believe “It” is the pronoun used.

Drive Me Crazy

Name your favourite “boy next door” or “girl next door”  couple

I am princess x

I Am Princess X

May and Patrick – I know this is NOT a love story, and May and Patrick’s relationship actually stays platonic. I’m still counting it because they make a good team and have good chemistry – even only as friends.

(Also – excited for Priest’s upcoming book, The Agony House)


Name a book with a memorable villain

Misery cover


Annie Wilkes, Paul Sheldon’s number one fan… Shivers!

Side-note, the book was scarier than the movie, and I’m not even a big fan of King’s writing.

The Craft

Name a book with witches

Wicked cover


Enough said!


I’ll pass this tag along to Tiffany at Book & Coffee Addict (if you dig this sort of thing), and anyone else who wants to join in on the fun 🙂 Can’t wait to see your picks!

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